Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010

SOLO BATIK CARNIVAL:introducing Solo to the world

hello GUYS!

hey its been a long tima since i posted my latest entry stories this month.ok,now i will tell yaar bout my city, SOLO a.k.a. SURAKARTA HADININGRAT. recently,solo became a spirit city :)) i do love it. Solo held SBC or Solo Batik Carnival year third, APMCHUD [Asia Pasific Ministerial Conference on Housing and Urban Development] and the last is Solo Batik Fashion. for more details please open: . in Indonesia,my country, solo is famous with is culture,like batik. people here all are down to earth.we usually use batik for go to wedding party,or maybe casual batik for play with some pals.
well,those are the photo in SBC on 23rd June 2010 :

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

why i made this BLOG*

firstly everybodyyy,sup?
nice to meet u all.thank u for opening my blog. saya sangat bahagia akhirnya saya benar2 bisa membuat blog di blogspot setelah sebelumnya membuat di wordpress.HOHOHO. im so excited in this kind of stuff.
pada postingan saya yang pertama saya akan 'bercerita' sedikit tentang kota saya tercinta, SURAKARTA HADININGRAT.
kota saya banyak sekali khas2 nya lhoo.diantaranya adalah nasi liwet mbok endut yang paling saya sukai,arem2,srabi notosuman,dll. eeeem,karena saya baru pemula di blogspot ini mungkin agak garing yaww.tapi ya sudahlah.hehehe.

maafkan saya readers.bubyeeee!