Minggu, 24 April 2011


red : ENGLISH.

hai semuanyaa~ kali ini saya akan memposting ttg sepeda. baru2 ini saya berkunjung ke toko sepeda yang sangat aduhai sekali sepedanya. harganya yang ditawarkan juga tidak terlalu mahal.

hi everybody~ now i will post about bicycle. recently, i was went to a bicycle shop that have sooo awesome bicycle. the cost it offered not too expensive.


lihat deeeh, yang putih lucu bangeet! aa...pingin, harganya kalo gak salah 3 jutaan.ohya, ini bukan fixie lho. tapi sama warna warninya *(ininih yg bikin gue kepincuut)

see, the white one is sooo cute! aaa...i want,it cost about 3million rupiahs.ohyeah, this bicycle isn't fixie. but it the same colorful as fixie *(this part made me like it soo much)

abangku suka banget sama sepeda coklat ini! tapi menurutku ini biasa aja (warnanya :*)
my brother really likes this brownie! but i think its too usual (the color :*)


kebanyakan di toko ini sepeda lipat nih..padahal aku nyarinya sepeda keranjangan :'(

lotta fold bicycle here..besides, i was looking for a bicycle with a basket :'(

finally!! those fixies. the blue (right) cost about 2million rupiahs. and the white one (left) cost about 5 million rupiahs.
*zoom the white one* wow! it looks so great, isn't it? yeah..no wonder it was more expensive than the blue. check its velg:

this velg!! it made this white fixie expensive!!

more fixies buddy~~

this is a bike, but i dunno what must i called it in a proper name--''

the bicycle that my small brother wanted-__-''

this shop sure has lots unique bicycles. uuh, i feel like im going to buy them all if i have lots money!! muahahaha.

Nadira As'ad

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